Huawei - Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas
Huawei - Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas
You know the meme – when you work with bad guys, you should expect to be labeled a bad guy. I mean no disrespect to the thousands of Chinese companies doing business across the world that manage to be profitable without intimate Chinese government relations. But in our globalized, internet era, it is impossible for a high tech company, particularly one as fundamentally important to internet networks, to not be tarnished with the specter of theft of intellectual property and CCP internet control and monitoring of Chinese businesspeople, students, even foreigners.
Probably no one outside a small group of analysts has the actual evidence of real dirt on Huawei. But that is the risk of being a national champion in China. If the government is promoting you, then there must be a government interest in promoting you, beyond just “go team.” This is simply Chinese practical reasoning.
But it seems that lying down with dogs is more than just a saying here. In his extraordinary Sinocism news blog, Bill Bishop continues the Huawei stories. From the February 9 edition, with no repetition in the stories (all should be clickable) -